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Artworks for sale
·      Artworks on display

Sacred Art:

·  Church of San Sebastiano in Maniace

o   Altar area

o   Via Crucis

·  Church of San Giuseppe in Mazzarrone

Church of Sant’Agata in Bronte

Church of San Paolo in Gravina di Catania


Church of  S.M. della Consolazione in Catania

Church of San Nicola in Trecastagni

·  Other sacred artworks

Decorative Art



PROJECTS and texts:

Gli affreschi di Nunzia-
tella, un racconto celato


Byzantine itinerary of Ionic Entian zone


Nunziatella, a treasure to protect


The tradition of the sacred image in the Christian East and West 


Una icona bizantina a Biancavilla




How to buy o order an artwork

The artworks available for purchase you can see, selecting Artworks for sale from the side menu. The interested person communicates his choice, indicating the code and the title of the work. Makes, by e-mail, all possible questions related to the artwork that thinks to purchase. I will answer all the questions, including the price, the cost of transportation and shipping arrangements.

The contracting of artworks to be design and realized implies a relationship of exchanging information on the characteristics of the work to be realized, performing sketches and executive explanatory. The designing itself, if of a considerable extent, can be subject to specific payments.

Email is the preferred way for communication for all stages of contraction, except the possibility of direct personal encounters.

For payment I prefer PayPal, for his safety. Other modes of payments can be agreed.


Studio: Riposto(CT), ITALY

Phone: +39 349 6400 923 ( WhatsApp
